Separation is hard. There are big decisions to be made - about your children, your home and your financial future.
It’s no wonder many people end up stuck in conflict because you have to do all this while you’re riding an emotional roller coaster.
With Keogh Mediation’s Family Dispute Resolution service you can make these decisions peacefully and affordably and start creating some certainty for your future. And if you’ve become stuck in conflict, Keogh Mediation can help you find your way out.
Keogh Mediation is an Australian mediation and family dispute resolution provider offering video-conference mediation services Australia-wide and in person mediation in Canberra.
Latest Articles
Is my ex entitled to my tax return?
Mediation provides more flexibility than litigation in relation to the sharing of documents during a financial separation. But the obligation to be an open book applies in every dispute resolution process.
Who pays for family mediation?
Who will pay for the mediation? It’s a question I get asked a lot, especially by people who have been invited to attend mediation by their co-parent, or ex-partner. The starting...
How can I help my child after separation?
There are two big fears that almost every separated parent has. One is about financial security, but that’s a topic for another day. The other is: Will my kids be OK? There is a...
Is my ex entitled to my tax return?
Mediation provides more flexibility than litigation in relation to the sharing of documents during a financial separation. But the obligation to be an open book applies in every dispute resolution process.
Who pays for family mediation?
Who will pay for the mediation? It’s a question I get asked a lot, especially by people who have been invited to attend mediation by their co-parent, or ex-partner. The starting...
Is my ex entitled to my tax return?
Mediation provides more flexibility than litigation in relation to the sharing of documents during a financial separation. But the obligation to be an open book applies in every dispute resolution process.
Who pays for family mediation?
Who will pay for the mediation? It’s a question I get asked a lot, especially by people who have been invited to attend mediation by their co-parent, or ex-partner. The starting...
How can I help my child after separation?
There are two big fears that almost every separated parent has. One is about financial security, but that’s a topic for another day. The other is: Will my kids be OK? There is a...